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पर्यटन सुचना केन्द्र को अवधारणा, महत्व र प्रयोग

कुनै पनि बिषय बस्तुको बारेमा आवस्यक जानकारी, विवरण,तथ्य वा तथ्याङ्क आदिलाई हामी सुचना वा जानकारी भन्ने गर्दछौं। यसरि हेर्दा पर्यटन सुचना केन्द्र भने पछि पर्यटनसंग सम्बन्धित यथेस्ट जानकारीहरु उपलब्ध गराउने यौटा केन्द्र को रुपमा बुझ्नुपर्दछ। जुनसुकै पर्यटकले आफु बसिरहेको स्थान छोडी  उसले चाहेको गन्तब्य सम्म पुगेर पुनः आफ्नो निबासस्थान सम्म आईपुग्दा आवस्यक पर्ने सम्पूर्ण सुचना तथा जानकारीहरु  प्राप्त गर्न सकोस भन्ने अभिप्रायका साथ् पर्यटन सुचना केन्द्र को अवधारणा अगाडी सारिएको पाईन्छ।  जसले गर्दा पर्यटकको यात्रा र यात्राको उदेश्य पुरा गर्न सहयोग हुने  गर्दछ। गन्तव्यहरूको स्पष्ट बस्तु स्थिति, विशेषताहरु, खाना, आबास, यातायात, मनोरन्जनात्मक गतिबिधि ,आपतकालीन उद्दार, स्वास्थ्य , सुरक्ष्या  लगायतका बारेमा पर्यटकलाई आवस्यक जानकारीहरु उपलब्ध गराउने र पर्यटकहरुको बिबिध  तथ्याङ्क राख्ने आदि उदेश्य पर्यटन सूचना केन्द्र ले लियको हुन्छ। यस्ता सुचनाहरु नक्सा , ब्रुसर , पम्प्लेट आदि छापा माध्यम , फोटो , भिडिओ , मोबाईल येप्स, वेबसाइड लिंक, ईमेल आदि बिध्युतीय माध्यम वा मौखिक माध्यम आदिबाट प्र

पर्यटन : एक नजर

सामान्यतया दैनिक गरिने   क्रियाकलाप  बाट  बाहिर निस्किएर   भौतिक र मानसिक चिज बस्तु प्राप्त गर्ने / उपभोग गर्ने / आनन्द लिने क्रियाकलाप  नै पर्यटन हो।  पर्यटन शब्द संस्कृत भाषा बाट उदगम भएको क्रियाबाची शब्द हो  , जसलाई  आदिकालमा  बसिरहेको स्थान छोडेर ज्ञानं  वा बस्तुबिशेस को  खोजीमा यात्रा गर्नु भन्ने अर्थमा प्रयोग गरिएको पाईन्छ।  त्यसैगरी संस्कृतमा तीर्थाटन , देशाटन जस्ता शब्द हरु पनि प्रचलित छन् जसले क्रमश धार्मिक र व्यापारिक कार्यका लागि बसिरहेको स्थान बाट गन्तब्य सम्म जानु लाई बुझाउदछ। पर्यटन क्रिया तीन वटा पक्ष हरुको योगबाट मात्र पुरा हुन्छ : व्यक्ति , गन्तब्य र क्रियाकलाप।  यसर्थ कुनैपनि व्यक्तिले आफु बसिरहेको स्थान बाट आफुले इछ्याएको गन्तव्यमा पुगी इछ्याएको क्रियाकलाप गरि फर्कनुलाई पर्यटन भनिन्छ।  यसरी यौटा सिंगो पर्यटन क्रिया सम्पन्न हुनका लागि तीन वटा सहाएक क्रिया हरु पुरा गर्नुपर्दछ ती हुन् : प्रवेश , क्रियाकलाप र बहिर्गमन ( फ़र्किआउनु / जानु )  पर्यटन मा गन्तव्यलाई बिशेस मानिछ , जहाँ मानिसले इच्छाएको गन्तब्य को  सापेक्ष्य क्रियालाप गरेर आउदछ।  पर्यटन गन्तब्य प्रा

Scope Of Rural Tourism

Assessing the current situation, the scope of rural tourism seems to be increasing. Due to the increasing modernization and the problems it has caused, people will gradually come to like rural settlements. In the past, there was a wave of buying land in the middle of the city, but now there is a possibility of going to the village. Now everyone will take the village as a dream paradise. There will also be people who leave urban life for a few days and go for a natural village tour. Therefore, it can be predicted that rural tourism will make good progress once and for all. If we try to understand the rural tourism attraction, its scope is wide. It covers a wide range of topics; Natural, religious/cultural things, the daily life of local people, local products, food, clothing, traditional houses, animals, birds, etc. and many other things. All these things attract the urban people. Another important thing is that the people of the village are helpful and loving, while in the

My Birthday

Dear well-wishers Warm greetings I hope all is well with you and your family. I'm fine too. Yesterday was my birthday. I will always be indebted to my parents for bringing me down to this earth. Also, my complete devotion to this world of existence will always remain. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my well-wishers and relatives who wished me a happy birthday by phone, Facebook and directly. I celebrated my birthday this year with a very different experience than before. I celebrated my birthday last year at my institution with children with disabilities. Similarly, in previous years, I used to go to Siddapaila temple or the Deutibajai temple. But this year, due to the current complicated situation, I celebrated my birthday at home with my family members. Looking back on life, it seems very strange. Everything is changing slowly at its own pace. I see a lot of turmoil going on in the visual world and in the world of the mind. It is not enough to go

Stay Safe, Healthy and Cool

Dear readers Warm greetings I am trying to write this blog again after a long time. I have come to this blog to write something on this occasion, the leisure time of Lockdown, and also my birthday today. Through this blog, I used to publish about my activities related to tourism. With the commitment to write a regular blog from today, I would like to share some of my thoughts here. Our present world is going through the tragedy of COVID 19. All kinds of socio-economic activities are closed. Due to which the most tragic effect has fallen on the lower class people who get food only after wages. At this time, the responsibility of the state, social organizations, and dutiful citizens has increased. The World Health Organization and scientists around the world are working day and night to find a vaccine. We also pray that the vaccine will be found as soon as possible and that it will reach all affected people around the world. At present we have no choice but to follow the lock